What to Expect

My Midwifery Services

My Midwifery Services

  1. I will help answer questions about your health, your family health, and this pregnancy.  I will also keep records and document each visit.
  1. I will have prenatal visits with you once a month until 34 weeks, then 2 weeks later at 36 weeks, followed by weekly visits until the birth of your baby.  This is a targeted schedule with some flexibility according to the situation.
  1. I will provide informed consent forms to be filled out by you, if you do not desire specific testing that is considered standard of care.
  1. I will provide routine blood work.  At the first or second visit, you will have blood drawn for a variety of tests, as well as a urine test.  I will explain lab results to you when the lab tests return.  At 26 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, you may be asked to give some blood to check for anemia, and you may be checked for diabetes.  At 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, you will have a vaginal swab for Group B Strep and be tested again for anemia if your hemoglobin was previously low.
  1. I may give you handouts at some of your visits.  These will help educate you about pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
  1. During labor, I will check your cervix using a glove and report your progress to you.
  1. I will use a doppler during prenatal visit and during labor to hear the baby’s heartbeat.
  1. During labor and each prenatal visit, I will take your temperature, blood pressure, and pulse and record it in your chart.
  1. After your baby is born, I will clean you, your baby, and your room.  I will usually leave 2 hours after the birth if all is stable and well.  During this time, I will monitor you and your baby closely, and breastfeeding will begin.
  1. I will come back to see you 24 to 48 hours after your birth to do your first postpartum visit.  If you chose to have the newborn screen, I will prick your newborn’s heel for a few drops of blood.  This blood will be sent to a state lab for a variety of tests.  I will come back to see you for your second postpartum visit at 3-4 days. We will meet at my cottage for two more postpartum visits, the third visit will be around 2 weeks and the last one will be 6 weeks after your birth.
  1. During your six week postpartum, you may have a Pap smear if you would like one.  This test measures cancer cells in your cervix.  This is voluntary.
  1. Additional tests and prenatal visits will be discussed if necessary.