My Services

For Pregnancy and Birth

My Home Birth Services

I, Kelly, will be your primary midwife, providing you with personal care throughout all the phases of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I  subscribe to the Midwifery Model of Care and believe that pregnancy and birth are a natural, normal life process.  I believe that birth should be a healthy non-medicated event for low risk, healthy women.  When planning your home birth, I will work with you to plan an experience that fits your needs, comfort and preferences. I look forward to building a relationship with you and providing you with the support you need during this special season of your life.

On our initial prenatal visit, I can answer questions about my midwifery services and what a home birth will look like for you and your family, and address any questions you may have.

You can schedule a visit HERE!

About Prenatal Visits

Using Doppler

I will have you come to my home office for your monthly prenatal care. These visits last about 45 minutes, though the first visit may be a little longer. As your due date approaches, you will meet my assistant, and we will come to your home to discuss your birth plan.  I will also come to your home for your birth and your initial postpartum care.

I will personalize your care to your individual needs and desires.  We will develop a birth plan together that you’re comfortable with, and I will walk with you every step of the way.

Prenatal care typically begins around 12 weeks, followed by monthly visits through the seventh month, two visits in the eighth month, then weekly visits until the birth.  I am available to answer your questions via phone or text as needed throughout your pregnancy.

Regular prenatal care will allow me to monitor the health and well-being of you and your baby, addressing any issues that might need extra attention prior to your birth. This is a time for you to ask questions and talk about what’s on your mind as you walk through your pregnancy and prepare for your birth.  

Prenatal Check-up

Prenatal Care Includes:

  • Monitoring weight, blood pressure and pulse
  • Discuss nutrition, hydration, and exercise
  • Discuss physical and emotional needs
  • Share information as needed
  • Urine analysis
  • Evaluate baby’s well being: measure growth, listen to fetal heartbeat, assess movement and palpate position
  • Lab-work as needed

Labor and Delivery Care

During Labor

After labor begins, at the appropriate time, my assistant and I will arrive at your home. We plan to be with you as active labor progresses, to monitor mother and baby’s vital signs, offer massage, guidance, and encouragement, along with hydration and snacks for energy, as you work towards the birth of your baby. We will be flexible and available, to give as much or little support as you need or desire.

Often ladies find comfort during labor with water therapy, either in the shower, relaxing in a bath, or in a birthing pool.  Upright positions, changing positions, walking or even resting, may feel good and encourage labor progression. You may just want to be alone, or labor with your partner. Whatever works best for you.

Seconds After Birth

As the birth draws near, you have the freedom to change positions to whatever feels best for you, such as hands & knees, side lying, standing, squatting, submerged in water for a water birth, or sitting on a birth stool, during this time we can guide you to other options that are favorable for you and the birth of your baby.

The first hour after your baby arrives is known as the “golden hour”, this is a very special time, in which you and your baby bond and establish breastfeeding. We are mindful to encourage your time together with your baby, with special attention given to immediate mother-baby skin-skin contact.

Immediately After Birth

I can assist you with breastfeeding, if desired, and will be watchful over you and your newborn to ensure a safe and healthy transition. During this time, we will continue to monitor the wellbeing of both you and your baby, before we leave we will go over postpartum care instructions with you and your spouse. We will also help to facilitate the post-birth clean up.

To ensure a special experience and a safe progression for you and your baby through labor, birth and immediate postpartum, we will:

  • Monitor both mother and baby vital signs
  • Evaluate cervical changes minimally
  • Assist with coaching and comfort measures if needed or desired
  • Suggest position changes to enhance relaxation and labor progression
  • Help with birth
  • Nurture immediate skin to skin bonding
  • Deliver and examine your placenta
  • Perform perineal repair if needed
  • Encourage hydration and food to replenish energy
  • Conduct initial newborn exam
  • Provide breast-feeding assistance if needed or desired
  • Monitor both mother and baby for several hours after birth
  • Provide postpartum care instructions
  • Facilitate clean up and laundry
Weighing Baby

Although complications are rare, if they do arise emergency medical procedures and plans are followed as needed. The vast majority of hospital transfers are not urgent, but are due to extremely long or stalled labors. If you do transfer to the hospital in labor, I will accompany you there to brief the medical providers and to serve as your doula throughout the remainder of your labor, birth, and immediate postpartum time. I typically still follow up with in-home postpartum visits.

Postpartum Care

As part of your home birth care, I will come to your home for your initial postpartum visits. The first visit typically occurs between 24-48 hours after the birth.

This visit includes:

  • Newborn screen tests and weight
  • Exams of both mother and baby
  • Breast feeding evaluation and assistance if needed
  • Birth certificate verification
  • Post birth reflection chat

Your second visit is usually around 2 weeks after the birth, and your third occurs at about 6 weeks. Both visits include an examination and evaluation of both mother and baby. I remain available for phone consultations as needed throughout your postpartum season.

Checking Baby